How we can help you

We provide peer support and recovery programmes for those who have experienced domestic abuse and are ready to begin a process of recovery.


How we can help you

We provide peer support and recovery programmes for those who have experienced domestic abuse and are ready to begin a process of recovery.

first steps

First steps

We recognise that everyone’s needs will be different and we are committed to supporting you through your recovery journey together.


What is domestic abuse?

Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.


Recovery programmes

We work in dialogue together, as women, to explore the nature and experience of domestic abuse and enable self compassion and recovery.


Social and support group

Peer Support sessions delivered by VOICES staff in partnership with survivors of domestic abuse, for women who have experienced domestic abuse.


Tackling isolation

We know that living with domestic abuse as an adult or child is an incredibly isolating experience. You may feel cut off from family, good friends, work/school and social contacts. Feelings of shame, anxiety and confusion can make it difficult to tell people ‘where we’re at’, ‘what’s going on’ or ‘how we got here’. Feeling isolated and alone can affect our health and mental health. The good news is that we can rebuild connections and with them, our wellbeing and confidence too!


Advocacy and guidance

We’re affected in so many different ways when we have been in an abusive relationship. That is why VOICES provides individual recovery support tailored to your needs.

We can provide information & guidance to help you make choices and regain some control over your situation, and advocacy to help your voice be heard by other services.


For professionals

If you are a professional working with people you believe to be at risk from domestic abuse, coercive control or post separation abuse, we can help you to make a referral or guide you to more suitable options if needed.


Safety planning

Abuse is not your fault. The only person responsible is the perpetrator. If you feel you or your family are unsafe there are steps you can take to minimise your risk

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We can support you

If you are ready to have a conversation with us, leave a safe number for us to call and a time that suits you either on our answer machine or via email.

No commitments, no record without your consent. Just a conversation.

01225 984189

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This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

Latest news

Impact Report Image

Domestic Abuse Advisory Group launches new ‘Guide to Family Court Proceedings’

Backed by victims and judiciary, to de-mystify family court process for all, VOICES are very proud to be part of the Local Family Justice Board’s (LFJB) Domestic Abuse Advisory group, formed of experts from all professions involved in the family court.

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Thank you to the winning team of The Rotork Community Challenge who created our 16 days of action campaign and raised awareness and money for Voices.

You are amazing!