What we do

VOICES works together with people who have been affected by domestic abuse, whether in the past or more recently, to prevent harm and promote recovery. We aim to help families to recover and thrive. We do this through individual support and advocacy, and a suite of group recovery programmes.

We also create opportunities for people with lived experience to help design effective services and policy.

We provide consultation and training for professionals and services, and work to raise awareness of the realities of domestic abuse in our local community.


What we do

VOICES works together with people who have been affected by domestic abuse, whether in the past or more recently, to prevent harm and promote recovery. We aim to help families to recover and thrive. We do this through individual support and advocacy, and a suite of group recovery programmes.

We also create opportunities for people with lived experience to help design effective services and policy.

We provide consultation and training for professionals and services, and work to raise awareness of the realities of domestic abuse in our local community.


How we can help you

We provide peer support and recovery programmes for those who have experienced domestic abuse and are ready to begin a process of recovery.


Your voice for change

Our experience-based insights and guidance are helping to shape better services.



When we ask survivors what they think are priorities for changing the way domestic abuse support is designed and delivered, ‘domestic abuse training for professionals’ always comes top of the list!

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We can support you

If you are ready to have a conversation with us, leave a safe number for us to call and a time that suits you either on our answer machine or via email.

No commitments, no record without your consent. Just a conversation.

01225 984189


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This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

Latest news

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VOICES Public Survey

VOICES is developing a new five year strategy and we’d like to hear from you.  Please click the link below to fill in our short form. You will be helping VOICES improve our services and to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the local community: https://forms.gle/ggNTr6WXw63tPa4T8 VOICES is an independent charity based in…


Welcome to our new CEO Emily Denne to the VOICES team

VOICES would like to welcome our new CEO Emily Denne to the team. Emily has been working in this sector for over 15 years, is a trauma-informed specialist practitioner and is a keen advocate for ensuring lived experience is heard in policy and practice. Emily is delighted to be joining VOICES – having been drawn to…

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Voices have contributed to the new BANES Domestic Abuse leaflet.

This leaflet has been compiled for those exsperiencing domestic abuse and seeking support in the BANES area. There is a comprehensive list of contacts for local and national organisations offering a range of support.