First steps

We recognise that everyone’s needs will be different and we are committed to supporting you through your recovery journey together.

first steps
first steps

First steps

We recognise that everyone’s needs will be different and we are committed to supporting you through your recovery journey together.

VOICES offer a range of services by and for those who are struggling after having experienced domestic abuse. As well as recovery work we can help women to identify abusive behaviour in current relationships through our group work.

We are not able to offer crisis support so if you are currently at risk of harm within an abusive relationship and want help to be safe, please contact:
* The Police in an emergency 999
To report a crime 101 or online here:
* Southside Family Centre on 01225 331243

Get in touch

You can choose how to reach out to VOICES to access support. You can either:

  1. Contact us directly via email or phone.

Call us on 01225 984189 to leave a message or
email or
text us on 07523 506239

2. Fill in our online contact form here:

3. Download the same form as a Word document here:

We will get back to you within 5 working days.

What to expect

Our conversations are confidential and you are under no commitment to follow a particular programme or continue with VOICES support unless you wish to do so. If we are worried about your safety at any stage we can decide what the next steps should be together.

If you or your children are in immediate danger or at risk of serious harm please call 999.

If you cannot speak and want to alert emergency services, please dial 999 and, when the operator answers, dial 55

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We can support you

If you are ready to have a conversation with us, leave a safe number for us to call and a time that suits you either on our answer machine or via email.

No commitments, no record without your consent. Just a conversation.

01225 984189

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This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

Latest news

Impact Report Image

Domestic Abuse Advisory Group launches new ‘Guide to Family Court Proceedings’

Backed by victims and judiciary, to de-mystify family court process for all, VOICES are very proud to be part of the Local Family Justice Board’s (LFJB) Domestic Abuse Advisory group, formed of experts from all professions involved in the family court.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of We asked our clients.Has being a part of VOICES resulted in you helping others using your lived experience of domestic abuse? (via informal support in a group or the Lived Experience group) - 1




Thank you to the winning team of The Rotork Community Challenge who created our 16 days of action campaign and raised awareness and money for Voices.

You are amazing!