LEF report launch

Family Justice report launched at the Old Bailey

A report on domestic abuse survivors' experiences of family lawyers and the need for trauma expertise in the family justice system, produced by SafeLives and based on survivor consultation work by VOICES was launched at the Old Bailey on 30 March 2022.

LEF report launch

Family Justice report launched at the Old Bailey

A report on domestic abuse survivors' experiences of family lawyers and the need for trauma expertise in the family justice system, produced by SafeLives and based on survivor consultation work by VOICES was launched at the Old Bailey on 30 March 2022.

VOICES were delighted to see the launch of SafeLives’ report “…Don’t Complain”, Domestic abuse survivors’ experiences of family lawyers” and a further report into the need for trauma expertise among family law professionals at an event supported by the City Bridge Trust at the Old Bailey on 30 March 2022. Domestic Abuse Commissioner Nicole Jacobs, Suzanne Jacob CEO of SafeLives and a SafeLives Pioneer, as well as HHJ Anuja Dhir, spoke about the need for the family justice system to respond to the trauma of domestic abuse appropriately, and provide access to justice without re-traumatising victims and survivors. The lived experience insights of all survivors who gave their time to the consultation will be invaluable in developing new training for family law professionals and inspiring much needed reform.

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This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

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