
A song of safety

Song for a safe space


A song of safety

Song for a safe space

In a World…

In a world of silent screams and broken dreams
Oppression crowding our isolation
And darkness clouding our devastation

In a world where no one sees nor yet believes
Imprisoned by those bruiseless blows
But no one knows how deep it goes

In a world where joy is an object to destroy
Our breath just brushing past the lung
Like a hollow song unsung

Amidst this there is a wondrous find
A place to leave it all behind
To rise above the silent screams that echo in those broken dreams

To relish things which still remain, beyond the memory of the pain
To reach for joy and breathe deep once more
To feel life flowing within our core

Such is the place found through Voices
A revelation that we still have choices
Freedom to Love and Live and Be is now so possible for those like me!

Thank you Voices for your unwavering kindness and support, your selfless gestures and encouragement. For planting seeds of hope again and journeying with others like me into Freedom. Most of all thank you for listening, hearing and understanding. In a world where darkness had might, you are a blessing and God sent light.

– An Overcomer and Volunteer.

Quotation marks

This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

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