dandelion seeds

An Overcomer’s Poem

Spiritual faith can be the safe space for many women affected by domestic and sexual violence and abuse. An overcomer of 55 years of domestic abuse wrote this poem about the extra ties that can bind women of faith into abusive relationships, and personal, spiritual resistance.

dandelion seeds

An Overcomer’s Poem

Spiritual faith can be the safe space for many women affected by domestic and sexual violence and abuse. An overcomer of 55 years of domestic abuse wrote this poem about the extra ties that can bind women of faith into abusive relationships, and personal, spiritual resistance.

I loved you… I loved you… And you told me that you loved me… You won my heart little by little… Leading me to believe your fairy story!

I loved you… And you painted a picture within words… Of growing old together happily… Remembering the little things which made me happy… Encouraging me to believe… That you were happily in love with me!

I loved you… And you placed a ring upon my finger… Promising a love so true… You knew all about my previously horrific abuse experiences… At the hands of those meant to love me… Smilingly you reassured me… That you would always protect me… And that I could trust you!

I loved you… And so, I became your wife… For a time, you seemed happy to be with me… I cannot remember specifically… When love turned to strife!

I loved you… And continued to love you… Year after year, after horrific year… From the first blow to the last… I loved you… Though my heart, spirit, soul and life… Were filled with fear!

I loved you… And sometimes… It seemed as though you still loved me… As a Christian… I was called to ‘forgive 70×7’ … And to forget’… Quickly you began to use this Scripture… Over me… As part of your tyranny!

I loved you… But now you are no longer within my daily life… You affect it… Indirectly… Through your continued emotional manipulation… Of our children sometimes … But I am no longer your wife!

Quotation marks

This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

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Domestic Abuse Advisory Group launches new ‘Guide to Family Court Proceedings’

Backed by victims and judiciary, to de-mystify family court process for all, VOICES are very proud to be part of the Local Family Justice Board’s (LFJB) Domestic Abuse Advisory group, formed of experts from all professions involved in the family court.

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Thank you to the winning team of The Rotork Community Challenge who created our 16 days of action campaign and raised awareness and money for Voices.

You are amazing!