Hands in the air

Re-launching our consultation and campaigns group

Get together with others to work for change and improve services and public awareness around domestic abuse

Hands in the air

Re-launching our consultation and campaigns group

Get together with others to work for change and improve services and public awareness around domestic abuse

VOICES is re-launching our consultation and campaigns group! This is an opportunity to get together with others to work for change and improve services and public awareness around domestic abuse. Being part of this monthly group is a chance to gain skills as volunteers and support one another with help from VOICES.

Think you might be interested? Get in touch with us via info@voicescharity.org to find out about joining the group. Your voice matters!

Quotation marks

This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

Latest news

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VOICES Public Survey

VOICES is developing a new five year strategy and we’d like to hear from you.  Please click the link below to fill in our short form. You will be helping VOICES improve our services and to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the local community: https://forms.gle/ggNTr6WXw63tPa4T8 VOICES is an independent charity based in…


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Voices have contributed to the new BANES Domestic Abuse leaflet.

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