
What does ‘Safe Space’ mean to me?

First in our 16 Days of Activism series is a personal insight into what makes a truly safe space for one individual, that we think sums it up perfectly.


What does ‘Safe Space’ mean to me?

First in our 16 Days of Activism series is a personal insight into what makes a truly safe space for one individual, that we think sums it up perfectly.

Unless you have experienced what it is like to feel unsafe, you may never truly understand the value of ‘Safe Spaces’. It is an actual supportive and loving space where you can remember to breathe freely. You can allow yourself to permit oxygen to fill your lungs to its capacity and come alive again. 

It is a place to take the weight and burden off of your shoulders even for a short while because dropping that heavy load altogether could mean losing your beloved children, your home or your life. It is a place where you can remember that it is Ok to value yourself, still smile and be amazed to catch yourself off-guard by laughter that was buried deep inside of you. It is a safe place for healing, restoration and liberation without judgement and condemnation.

A ‘Safe Space’ is not just a discreetly tucked away building with security measures in place. A ‘Safe Space’ is the people hosting and working in that special space. It is a group of incredible, caring, trauma-informed, experienced people. They know what you have been through and what you are going through but more importantly they know where you need to get to and how to help you get there!!! 

Voices was my Safe Space.

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This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.

- Lena

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